Friday 5 March 2010

Filming schedule

Filming Schedule;
12.45pm - 1.30pm

1.30pm - 2.20pm

1.30pm - 2.30pm

10.45am - 1.30pm

We are doing all our filming around the college because it is were the story is based on. We are going to be using the sixth form building as it is the most modern part of the college and we want our film to be more up to date. Also at the start we do a walk though the lower ground of the college.

The Editing Process

Once we have successfully recorded our film we are now ready to edit it to make it look and sounds like a proper professional film using Final Cut Pro, software that is widely used to edit television shows and programmes we watch today.

Final Cut Pro is a very comlex piece of software that allows you to do many things and is very confusing getting to know some of the functions of it. For some of the editing process Gina took over because she managed to get the hang of some of the vital functions we needed to use to edit our film, however when she was away both me and karl took over and shared the editing and even recored an introduction to the film to make it longer as we found that it wasn't long enough. to meet the 1 min 1/2 minimum time length. The introduction when edited in with a new soundtrack that we also added in almost made the film twice as long.

At various point in editing the video and audio would occasionally go out of sync for no apparent reason, whether it was us or the software we still don't know, but we managed to change it and knew how to get it back in sync.

Podcast Evaluation

1) In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In terms of camera work at the start we used a point of view shot of Nicholas walking through college to meet his mates.
The rolling stone song 'Satisfaction' is used which is a rock and roll type tune, and in previous experience of horror films start off light hearted and have a bouncy feel to them added by the soundtrack and this was the path we went down.
Our opening sequence was entirely from the beginning of the film.

2) How does you media product represent particular social groups?

Because our film is set in a college it is based entirely on teenagers around 16-18 years old.
There are ,murderers among the teens which is more apparent towards the end of the actual film. And its the fact that the murderer is a teenager that makes you think that younger people in this day and age are cabable of murder. You see it on the news that so and so has been stabbed by a young offender, and young offenders institutes are becoming more and more popular because of the rise in crime among teens.

3) What kind of media institutes might distribute your product and why?

I reckon BBC films will more than likely distribute this film because i personally think it is most suitable for a British audience, as say other countries like America, Australia and places like France may not get our film and wont be able to familiarise themselves with the setting. However, as we are bombarded with films set in an American school we might be able to familiarise ourselves with that because we have seen so many films set in an American school that we know what it is basically like even though its might not be a modern or even accurate representation of a typical American school.

4)Who would be the suitable audience for your media product?

I think our intended audience was mainly 12-25 (possible mid/late 20s). This is because it is a modern setting and used almost entirely a cast of teenagers, and is a film that the older generation like mid 30's plus wouldn't choose to watch.

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

Even though out target audience ware teenagers and young adults you would think we would choose an up to date tune, however we used a rather retro song to lead the audience in, paired together with a point of view shot of someone walking through a college and its that that the viewer want to keep watching because they want to know where they are walking to. Overall, though, i think its the Rolling Stones song that managed to keep the audience watching because when i watched the film back i said would i keep watching if this was a film? and i said yes mainly because of the soundtrack.

6) What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In using the camera and tripod, i thought it was pretty obvious how they worked, and the camera also because we grow up around technology we know the drills and menus u need to find what you need.
Using the editing software however was a struggle, because Final Cut Pro is a professional piece of software and used to edit many television programmes, so it had plenty of functions, the only problem was is finding them functions and you can go through menu after menu till you find exactly what you need and it time consuming too.
Capturing and logging the film off the tape was confusing at first too but in the end was actually quite simple.
Using this website, Blogger, to blog my media work as i went along didn't at all take long to get used to. However when i started using it i only knew how to blog something and that's it, but as i went along i got to grips with how to upload pictures on the blog, like the story board and the BBFC certificate logos also. Plus how to embed a video from YouTube, i needed help with that but was fairly simple to do and needless to say could do it again if i wanted to.

7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what did you feel you have learned in the progression from the start to the finished product?

In the media unit we have been doing i have learned that a good detailed time plan (for filming) is essential.
Group work needs to be spread evenly and don't do most of the work, and don't do too little an let the others carry the group. Or do a lot in one aspect of the work and not another because this is still not fair.
After using the cameras i can now easily pick one up and use it effectively to make another film with my group and if we were to make another film it would be an improvement as we learn from previous experience the do's and dont's in film making.
Even though we were aware of the 180 degree rule i think we may have forgotten about it in the whole filming process as we were stressing about who is doing what saying what, and we may have disregarded it a tad.
To improve i need to brush up on my knowledge of Final Cut Pro and all its has to offer so i can take full advantage of what it can do. Because it is a very complex piece of software no-one could possibly sit at it for the first time and use it effectively.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

The Continuity Piece

Characters in main idea


Lynn Hartley - Young, brown hair, medium lenght, hates her job, divorced, drinks alot, is new to teaching and doesn't know how to contorl the students.

Nicholos JT Abdul - Tall, dark, rugged, muscely, nice, charming, can have any girl he wants, very popular and is always surrounded by friends.

Mick Lancaster - Secretly gay, tall, skinny, pale, well dressed, mysterious. He is in love with Nicholos but know one knows.

Jennifer Harte - Brunette, attractive, clever, insacure. She is Nicholos' girlfriend.

Martin McFly - Fat, stumpy, stupid, loves football and girls. Is lost without Nicholos and his other friends. He follows the crowd.

Eden Cook - His short and fat and lookd like Martin. Also bestfriends with Nicholos. Fights for his attention. Has a big mouth and thinks his better then everyone elses.

Casy Lube - Nerd, quite, clever, looks like a girl, not taken seriously, wears geeky clothes and glasses, gets bullied by the class because of Nicholos.

Corey Long - Big hair and big glasses, he also looks like a girl and is never noticed. He is Casey's bestfriend, they are always together. He enjoys maths and solving problems.

Dean Lebean - Emo, quite, never noticed, dark and mysterious, odd, loves emo rock music. Enjoys reading about black magic.

Amy Cozens - Long blonde hair, abit of a bimbo, eye candy, stpid and dopey.

Francis Jones - Ginger, freckles, loud, idiot, loves pulling pranks with his friends.

Shelly Took - Blonde, beautiful, not as stupid as people make her out to be, Her dad is in the Army. She follows Amy around. Enjoys shopping and boys.

Luke Harris - Tall, skinny, idiot, thinks his funny by always taking the piss out of people. Thinks his amazing. Follows everyone around.

Charles Dimond - Inspector, tall, charming, goodlooking, good at solving problems. His married with 2 children. Loves hi job and playing golf.

Will Scarlight - Charles' sidkick, the complete opostie to Charles. He is short and fat and doesn't know what his talking about. He likes women and beer.

Our Main Idea

The opening sequence -

Its a normal Monday morning at school and the classmates are waiting outside the classroom, all arguing and shouting at eachother and Casey gets bullied by Nicholas and his pals.

Lynn Hartly eventually arrives at the classroom clearly stressed about something and breaks up the fight between nicholas and Casey. Lynn then lets them into the classroom and the kids are still shouting and being loud as they get to their seats. As the teacher isn't in the best of moods to teach she decides to put on an educational video for the class to watch. After the lights have been turned off, the class watch the film, and theres is a murder going on while the lights are off. Once the lights are turned back on nicholas JT Abdul has been murdered and is lying on the desk in blood. Then we see police tape on the door to the classroom.

The middle section -

Two police investigators arrive on the scene taking statements from all the students and eventually lets them all go after been told they're all suspects including Lynn Hartly. Two friends Corey Long and Casey Lube who are the two who get bullied are walking home together chatting about whats happened and Nicholas. They then separate for corey to go home and Casey continues on home down the road. Casey then sees shadows lurking around him, he shouts but gets no reply. Now he can hear noises. Eventuall the murderer turns up behind him, Casey turns round and says immediatly "Its you!", and then is stabbed in the neck.

The next day the two officers Will and Charles are looking through the statements discussing possible culprits. And then are notified about Caseys murder and get on it. Meanwhile all the school kids are going back to school still in shock horror about previous days events. Amy Cozens breaks down in the toilets and sobs in one of the cubicals. She hears the toilet door open so she waits till they've gone, however its the murderer and they drop a knife through Amys head from the opposite cubical. Will and Charles go back to the school to ask more questions to the students about Caseys death, and while doing this they find out that student Nick is having an affair with young teacher Lynn Hartly.

After Amys body is found the teacher calls a meeting with all the students. In the meeting they're arguing and accusuing eachother of who murdered them, and in the end a fight almost breaks out between Luke Harris and one of Nicholas' mates Martin McFly. The teachers warns them to walk home in groups, and to keep in contact with her and everyone else. They all leave to go home.

Lynn is left in the classroom all by herself, then two people approach her from behind, she acknowledges this and tells them to go home and is then stabbed in the back, now we know ther is two killers. Then all the students who are walking hom recieve a text from Lynn to meet at a house on the outskirts of the woods. Later the p[oilce find Lynn dead in the classroom.

The final part -

The student follow the instructions except Corey who thinks that its not such a good idea and leave to find the poilice to warn them. Luke however carries on into the woods not noticing the danger and falls for a trap where he falls on a spike and dies.

Meanwhile Mick Lancaster and Shelly Took are making their way to the shed talking then Shelly trips over. Mick walks back to help and shelly viciously wacks him over the head hard with a long long, thinking she had knocked him out. Shelly is now one of the known killers and she walks off to the house, she thinks that Mick is dead but he is still alive. Corey finds the police investigators and tells them what going on, Will and Charles make their way to the wood knowing something is up.

Jennifer Harte, Martin Mcfly, Eden Cook, Dean Lebean, Shelly Took, Francis Jones all turn up at the shed, and start to argue again and start t blame eachother. Shelly is blamed for the murders and then Mick walks up behind her still bleading from what shelly did to him and wacks her round the head with the same log. So now they realise that she is the killer and Shelly gets up and shoots Martin dead. She holds them all at gun point. She starts to reveal secrets about other people in the class that shes found out; like Nicks affair with teacher Lynn and that Mick is actually a closet gay. All of a suddent Shelly is shot dead.

It closes with Shellys body been taken away and all the police around talking to the students who all seem relieved that they're safe. Apart from one, Dean Lebean, whos in the corner on his own searching through his phone at pictures of all the victims. Its clear that Dean was the other killer in cahoots with Shelly.

The final shot is of him observing the students in a cunning way.

Our Questionaire


1. How old are you?

15 – 17  1
8 – 21 

2. What is your gender?


3. What is your Favourite Genre of film?

Romantic Comedy 

4. What is your favourite setting for a horror film?

Work Place 
Other please specify: ______________________

5. What do you expect to see in a horror film?

Chasing scenes 
Other please specify: _________________________

How many horror films have you watched in the past month?

0 – 3 
4 – 6 
7 or more 

6. What do you like about horror films? ________________________________

7.Why do you watch them?

Please specify: _______________________________________

8. What is your favourite horror film?

Please specify: ____________________

9. Have you seen any of the recent horror films at the cinema?

Saw VI 
The Fourth Kind 
Halloween II 
Other please specify:__________________

Monday 4 January 2010

Our Storyboard

This is the storyboard me and my group created and shot. It outlines the plot of our short opening sequence and of course the shots we opted to use and what we thought were appropriate.
First frame is a long shot of pupils walking through the corridors on a typical school/college day, and to give an idea of the setting that its in a school or college.
Second shot shows Joe saying "heyy" to Amy as he approaches her in the corridor, here we use a medium close up (MCU).
Third shot its Amy who is approaching Joe with an over the shoulder shot (over Joes shoulder) and also saying "hi" to him. On these shots we stay on the same side of joe and Amy as we follow the 180 degree rule so as to not confuse the audience of wher our actors are coming from in terms of where they're standing.
Fourth frame after Joe and Amy are saying hello to eachother and Joe asks Amy how has Amy been over the holidays. using a simple over the shoulder Close-up (CU).
Shot five we opted to use anotherCU of Amy over joes shoulder and telling him that she's been thinking of joe over the holidays.
Frame six is MCU off Joe clearly shocked of her saying she been thinking of him, and he quickly asks her how her boyfriend is.
Frame seven is another MCU of Amy basically saying that things between her and her boyfriend isn't so good and she seems to be rather upset about it too.
Eighth Frame, Joe attempts to comfort Amy by telling her that if she ever wanted to talk he is there and it leads on to the ninth frame where continuity played an important part as an establishing shot as her hands her his number on a bit of paper
Tenth Frame, Amy also quite fond of Joe thanks him after taking his number
And the Penultimate shot we see them saying goodbye to each other as they go their separate ways.
The final twelth shot we use a tracking shot following Joe down the hall as he approaches Amy's boyfriend and bullies Joe by tripping him up and he falls to the ground with amy oblivious to what just happened. Then it ends