Thursday 3 December 2009

Report from questionnaire findings

The majority age group who we surveyed were ages 15-17 and so the following results are what most adolescents like and would choose.
The most popular setting chosen by the people who did the survey was in a house and the second choice was in the woods. Maybe as the woods can be a dark, gloomy and eerie setting they chose this. And a house because houses, particularly haunted or abandoned houses can be the same. Cob webs, mess and a deafening silence.
The expectation of a horror mainly was blood and gore because they both came high in scoring votes in the questionnaire. The next best expectation or convention they preferred were chase scenes in the film, this is because it gives the films audience a rush of adrenalin, makes you feel your in that situation running from what ever and it gives the film a fast paced feel because no-one likes a slow moving film especially if its branded a horror film.
However, when surveying these people they admitted to only seeing 0-3 horror films in the past month, which can suggest that they maybe haven’t seen a horror film in a while and are only going on their gut instinct on what they will answer and maybe guess. When asking the question on 'favourite horror film' there were 2 films that stood out because of the sheer volume of times it was wrote, and a list of other films that were often popping up too. The most popular suggestion were the various Saw films and then Evil Dead as the second best film. Joint third in most popular films were Halloween, The Ring and Friday the 13th to name a few.

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